If you are an end user and not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product and get a full refund or exchange the product for another one, be it similar or not. You must advise us of the return within 14 days from the date you purchased it. You will be provided with a returns number and you will have 14 days to return the product to our premises.
1. Bonchef will, in any circumstances, only accept returns if the following conditions are met:
2. The following Goods will not be eligible to be returned pursuant to this clause:
If you are a distributor and wish to return goods for any reason you will be charged up to a 25% restocking fee. All conditions above apply.
Bonchef Ltd
Unit 4D, Paddock Road
Industrial Estate,
Paddock Rd, Reading
+44(0)118 946 2707